UPDATE The books have arrived! My latest book will be published later this year and will be available well in time for Christmas! High quality Hardback 220 x 280 mm. Nearly 200 colour photographs. 144 pages - 170gm. silk finish. Price £38.00 with free delivery to areas covered by the book. Front Cover I have set out below a random selection of some of the 144 pages. Each image shows an open 2 page spread. CLICK ON IMAGE ONCE TO VIEW LARGE
Always a favourite time of year for me - the harvesting of the wheat, barley and oilseed rape which was sown way back. Its slow and constant growth providing an ever changing accompaniment to cycle rides and long walks with the dogs along the chalky tracks and droves that criss-cross the land. Watching these magnificent machines, by contrast, instantly transforming the countryside is a sight I can never tire of. The residual lines stretching across the steeply rolling downs accompanied by the dust storms and often shimmering intense heat, leaving a lasting impression in the mind's eye.
I have spent a fair amount of time over the past week or so watching the combines bringing in the harvest of wheat, barley and oilseed rape across miles of rolling downs here in South Wiltshire, images of which I shall put in my next post. Following in their wake have been the buzzards, red kites and kestrels putting on a magnificent aerial display as they make the most of this newly exposed hunting ground. Here are some images taken of them: RED KITES BUZZARDS KESTRELS
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