
Books Arrival

At long last they have arrived. Many boxes of them! Now looking forward to gaining people's reactions. The last book on the Ancient Water Meadows was a resounding success but this is a completely different style off work. Fingers crossed!

The Village Buzz

Nice article in the September edition of our local online magazine - The Village Buzz - about my book - The Ancient Water Meadows of the River Nadder.

Notes on the Offbeat - (updated)

  Front Cover What started out as a series of Photobooks to showcase different aspects of my photography has evolved into several books in their own right.  As well as publishing an historical pictorial record in the form of  The Ancient Water Meadows of the River Nadder , I am about to publish an extended version of  Notes on the Offbeat , a book I created some while ago featuring some of the more remote and unusual sights I have recorded with my cameras whilst wandering around the middle of nowhere over recent years. I developed a liking for reading later in life having been well and truly put off for many years by some absurd and often unpleasant individuals masquerading as English masters in the 1960's Grammar School in which I found myself.  It is only upon looking back over my extensive collection of books that followed this new found interest that I realise that I have been constantly drawn to the offbeat lives of those who have chosen to 'go it alone' despite those

My Photography Displays

Selections of my framed photographs of local landscapes and wildlife continue to be displayed in these two delightful pubs:

Photobooks on my website

An updated selection of my Photobooks can now be seen in Flipbook format on my website. To view     CLICK HERE    

The Ancient Water Meadows of the River Nadder.

Front Cover The proof copy of my new book  The Ancient Water Meadows of the River Nadder  has just arrived and as always with these books I couldn't be more pleased with it. Earlier in the year I was invited by John Stoddart, the Warden of the Barford and Burcombe Fishing Club, to take photographs of the now largely derelict workings of the ancient water meadow system in the Nadder Valley with a view to producing an historical record.   As warden, he was able to arrange for the multiple consents required from various landowners and tenants to enter the mostly private land and take the photographs. As we walked for miles on cold winter mornings looking at the intriguing sights, neither of us knew that months later we would produce this book together with John turning his commentary of how it all used to work, from its formation in the 17th Century through to its heyday, into the excellent and highly informative texts in the book. As someone who has always been fascinated by derelic

Frome Agricultural and Cheese Show

Most of my photography is of landscapes and wildlife, but it is nice now and again to wander around agricultural fairs observing the participants - both animal and human. Here is a random selection from my visit yesterday to the Frome Agricultural and Cheese Show on the borders of Somerset and Wiltshire.  It is a somewhat smaller show than most but still plenty to see........