
51 Churches of the South Wiltshire Valleys

My latest book will be published later this year and will be available well in time for Christmas! High quality Hardback 220 x 280 mm. Nearly 200 colour photographs. 144 pages - 170gm. silk finish. Price £38.00  with free delivery to areas covered by the book. Front Cover I have set out below a random selection of some of the 144 pages.  Each image shows an open 2 page spread. CLICK ON IMAGE ONCE TO VIEW LARGE

INSTAGRAM - Just Churches

  I have enjoyed wandering around old churches pretty much since I can remember and now in this age of digital photography have the additional pleasure, and challenge, of producing interesting images. Living here in South Wiltshire I am spoilt for choice with dozens of towns and villages around me with their (mainly) picturesque offerings. I am particularly drawn to the staggering array of stained glass windows, from magnificent statement piece east windows, to small and ornate side windows which can often have a greater charm of their own.  I created an INSTAGRAM account called Just Churches specifically to showcase those efforts, some samples of which I have uploaded below.  I will usually add a very brief historical record and there lies an interesting pattern in itself. A very large proportion of our churches date from around the 12th Century on sites that had been places of worship for a long time previously - often back to Saxon times. Then there seems to be a very long gap until

Camel Racing!

Who'd have known? It was certainly a new one on me. Seen at The Gillingham and Shaftesbury Country Showground, they formed quite a spectacle. With their strange but endearing appearance and quirky personalities they quickly had the full attention of the crowd. We were told that as much as they enjoy doing it, they will only do so when it suits. When it no longer suits, they come to an instant halt, and that is that, until they change their minds again! One of their stopping moments! Back to the start. Interestingly, they ran faster going back than in the race itself!


For many years a cousin of mine has been researching our family tree and she recently sent me a link to the online version. I have always maintained an interest in our family history but it was quite an eye opener to see what she had uncovered. A whole mass of names with dates of births, marriages and deaths stretching as far back as the 16th century! This accompanied with numerous old photographs, some of which I had no idea existed. Aside from being very impressed with her efforts I was intrigued by certain aspects, particularly in relation to the paternal line which I consider to have particular importance anyway.  For instance, I have always been aware of strong links to Frome and its surrounds on the Somerset borders with Wiltshire. My great grandparents were living and running businesses in Frome when in 1903 they sold up and moved lock, stock and barrel to Bournemouth where they had stayed previously on numerous holidays. Here they bought properties and established a number of n

Combine Harvesting

Always a favourite time of year for me - the harvesting of the wheat, barley and oilseed rape which was sown way back. Its slow and constant growth providing an ever changing accompaniment to cycle rides and long walks with the dogs along the chalky tracks and droves that criss-cross the land. Watching these magnificent machines, by contrast, instantly transforming the countryside is a sight I can never tire of. The residual lines stretching across the steeply rolling downs accompanied by the dust storms and often shimmering intense heat, leaving a lasting impression in the mind's eye.